Probably one of those random update again after few weeks. HAHAHA! Hello anyway. Yeah much misses blogging and stuff. But I won't neglect my blog. It's really very valuable for me. Recently I tried to change my blogskin but I guess I'll just stick with the current one because I guess it's much more simple and less messy. Personally I prefer blogskin with no navigation. It's been a long time since I last created blogskin.
Well the start of April has been really a good start for me. Things around seems so smooth and actually I can't wait for May cause ITS MY BIRTHDAY!! HAHAHAHHAHAHA! May 3rd. Yep. I wonder what's ahead of me or surprises. Never had a surprise or anything for my birthday so far besides myself planning for it. I hope its gonna be good this time.
So yesterday actually I had a splendid day out with my boyfriend, Khai. Initially we didn't plan where or what we'll be doing. Usually we'll always go impromptu. We called it "go with the flow". HAHA! It was rather a good Saturday for me indeed. Decided to meet him in the evening about 5pm at Somerset but I was late, again.. For 10 minutes only =D Oh, had another impromptu meet up with my dear friend, Aan. He was supposed to meet up with his friends but unfortunately his friends were late and so he decided to meet me first. So glad that atleast I didn't made him wait for me like usually I did. This time boyfriend was punctual. Amazing. HAHAHA! Usually we both we'll be late occasionally..
Didn't expect both would be in black hahaha
Finally a picture of us thanks to Aan's friend for this
After pictures and all, myself and Khai decided to catch a movie at Cineleisure but sadly the couple seats were all occupied.. So we both decided to watch the movie at Grand Cathay instead.. LIKE FINALLY WE BOTH ON MOVIE DATE. HAHAHAHAHA! After so long since we last had our date together.. We decided to watch the movie Captain America. It was a very good movie actually!
this was like somewhere around the 313 and i didn't expect he would be sort of carving heart shape on the glass panel HAHAHHA
and this was just a random picture of us ; i just decided to ask a person randomly to help us take a photo haha
Since we had nowhere to go, we went to meet few of his another friends at H&M, and right down there again, we all were planless because we're kinda pressing for time.. It was like 1030pm by then.. And yet to have my dinner D= In the end I had dinner at KFC and thanks to boyfriend for the lovely treats since start of the day.. Well I hope to have another outing again with boyfriend and his friends.. Oh yes, boyfriend sent me home by cab together with two of his friends other friends, Fitri and Faiz.. He's just so lucky to have friends who lived in the same hometown as him..
And as for today........ It's Sunday. Won't be going anywhere.. Too lazy.. Most probably I'll be spending my evening with boyfriend working out.. Can't believe I really lose weight these few months.. Say bye bye to fat cheeks, fat thighs and all. Shredded most of them already and I'm almost there. Happy to see the slightest abs on my stomach (; won't stop working out cause I love seeing results!
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