wooohooo, i love this new signature of my business email. ^__^ created them by myself. until i got so excited until i went to send a sample email to my business email. hahahah.

i can't stop looking at it actually =P
now u know what? i forgot to update about this part.. which was the one on monday. hahaha. wth~ so many things to update and i forgot about this. out of all XD

i can't stop looking at it actually =P
now u know what? i forgot to update about this part.. which was the one on monday. hahaha. wth~ so many things to update and i forgot about this. out of all XD
ok. on last monday i went out with zen. he got a block leave till wednesday.. so spent my time with him for the monday and tuesday.
first in the afternoon i dropped his house to pick him up and we took cab to ecp. he was almost late for his soccer match. his match was held at futsal. he said. idk what the hell is futsal. but then he told me its a soccer place.. indoor if im not wrong. k. i didnt watch his match, instead, i stayed at BK and was on my lappy. yeah man. lappy saved my day ^__^ from 1pm, until like 330pm.. surprising my batt can last that long right? yeah. even zen was like "ok, ur lappy new what~".. i didnt say anything but i could just smile. =D
i had my lunch at BK while zen was away for his match.. onion rings.... nice u know! think if they were to give me 1 ton of onion ring, i can confirm, 100%, sure i can finish it up! =P
after his match, we both got no plan.. but then, he decided to bring me to catch movie. and yeah, we checked out the site to find out about the movie details and we ended up catching the movie Rapunzel. at first i thought it wasnt a great movie. but i was wrong. it was an awesome movie after all~
we went to Downtown to catch our movie. it was raining at ecp, so we booked cab and made our way there. reached there just on time! woohooo. lucky. the movie was nice. should watch! like what my classmate rizal would say, "tngk ni cerita, gerek". hahahha.

that's all. yay! can't wait to meet zen tomorrow. & ezum. wooohooo. every week meeting eh? hahahha. seriously, i felt like she's the best buddy i've got! =D
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