alright, its October now. fast right?? wth.. i just made a countdown that day.. that i only left with 6 days with zen.. and now, the time is up.. i can never meet him that often like before.. but i've got a replacement for that. ezum! haha. she's the best man! been there since last time.. from attached to single.. single and now, attached again. and now, my life would be like before.. none is picking me up after school.. dinner together.. etc.. cos zen is going to ns already on 2nd nov :( how fast time clocks.
ok. imma really do a hardcore update now. its been so long since i haven update my blog.
first update is about the request on the review of the lenses, 15MM model WT-A07. this also credits to zen for helping me pick the lens.. ok. the lens was nice. it makes my eyes little bigger. not much difference cos my eyes is already big enough. hahaha. about the moist, its fine.. i dnt feel dry.. other than that.. hmm.. the colour. yes, it turns out nice! i wore it for my photoshoot on last tuesday. here's a picture of myself wearing the lens taken on last tuesday..

Yeah, this is me. Make-up wasnt done by me. it was done by the DeCharacter make-up artist..
alright, im done with the lenses.. next im gonna share about the dinner i had last monday or wed or thursday i think.. cnt rmbr.. supposed to update about it but i forgot. anyway, went to pasir ris.. decided to have our dinner but was confused on which place to have dinner. end up, i decided to go to this Asli Village, located just right infront of ehub entrance..
i bought myself nasi lemak and zen got himself mee rebus. when it comes to the drink part, i had no idea what to buy.. suddenly rmbr of this strawberry banana milkshake! ahhahaha. so of course, went to buy the drink.. before that i was like arguing with zen cos he thought there's no such drink as the one i mentioned. in the end, i proved him wrong. yes! but hey, it surprised me also u know.. i didnt know the juice stall got such drink. but they made it by my request. hahaha. all thanks to ezum!

yeah! this is what i had! hehe.
after we're done, i told him to take picture of me.. cos we're sitting at the swing.. nice the setting.. on top got like ceiling fan..

smile! yes, i love sushi.. especially the raw.. mmmmm :D
so.. continue.. on the saturday, i had meet-up for project. thanks to mum who ruined my plan.. thought of going escape at night for the halloween but since the planned was canceled. forget it. ezum came my house to do the project.. she stayed for quite long.. few hours.. and went off in the evening.. here i got myself a picture of her.

ezum. (: taken at my house..
.......and yes, finally, about today. the last day with me & zen.. well, it was kinda my sad day also.. he's going to ns tomorrow. he got police for ns.. which is a good thing. i cried you know.. to think that no one is going to be there for me all the time like he did for me. all those things he did for me.. those days with him.. the arguments which makes our r/s like metal.. the guy who have been with me to meet my clients and those time we shared together.. the times we sang music and each and every single thing, it reminds me of him.. well i cnt do shit about it. he have to go.. but i always tell myself, "cmon, he's not migrating. he'll be in freaking sg.." which is true.. but another thought will be, "sg is always sg, but the distance.. the time.. we wont be spending much like we did before.." and well, guess now i know what's his reason for not looking for job after his graduation..
i can't type more.. otherwise this post gonna end up like emoshit post. hahaah. whateva it is, i still have ezum. heheh. she'll be the one with me.. yeah. the last time i was single, she's there for me.. and now, when zen is not around, i know who to find. either ezum or nazli. :D
back to the top paragraph, so today i just spent my entire day with him.. went ecp for cycling after long time of not going to ecp.. think it was march.. he also accompanied me to take my pictures that i took that day for photoshoot.. i really had a great day with him.. till night. thanks for dropping my house even though its just for a moment. im gonna miss you zen. i wont be sending him tmrw in the morning cos he doesnt wanna see me cry and knowing that im alone after he go in, and like he said, if im there, it'll not be easy for him to say Goodbye. so i think i rather not be there.. he also wanted me to attend school, he said "so that when i go in, atleast im relieve cos i know ure safe".. haha, that's nice of you, but i wanted to send you but again, f it. ure right. :D
before we went home just now, went to accompany him for a hair cut. wooohooo, finally u got that m shadows haircut! hahahaha. let's see what's your hair gonna turn to when its grows longer.. and bdw, zen, don't worry about me yeah. you got my words in your mind. i'll be safe here. no worries.
below are pictures of today. only uploaded Some.. cos u know.. blogger cnt take up many pictures upload.. later the previous post won't show up.. so i only took a few..

zen me zen me. 451 days with you :D


by me.

by zen.
ok, below are one of my photoshoot picture.. im inlove with the picture below ^__^ picture meant for zen. :D zeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen, im gonna miss you man!

Credits, DeCharacter.
till here guys. takecare. sucha long update i got here.
ok. imma really do a hardcore update now. its been so long since i haven update my blog.
first update is about the request on the review of the lenses, 15MM model WT-A07. this also credits to zen for helping me pick the lens.. ok. the lens was nice. it makes my eyes little bigger. not much difference cos my eyes is already big enough. hahaha. about the moist, its fine.. i dnt feel dry.. other than that.. hmm.. the colour. yes, it turns out nice! i wore it for my photoshoot on last tuesday. here's a picture of myself wearing the lens taken on last tuesday..
Yeah, this is me. Make-up wasnt done by me. it was done by the DeCharacter make-up artist..
alright, im done with the lenses.. next im gonna share about the dinner i had last monday or wed or thursday i think.. cnt rmbr.. supposed to update about it but i forgot. anyway, went to pasir ris.. decided to have our dinner but was confused on which place to have dinner. end up, i decided to go to this Asli Village, located just right infront of ehub entrance..
i bought myself nasi lemak and zen got himself mee rebus. when it comes to the drink part, i had no idea what to buy.. suddenly rmbr of this strawberry banana milkshake! ahhahaha. so of course, went to buy the drink.. before that i was like arguing with zen cos he thought there's no such drink as the one i mentioned. in the end, i proved him wrong. yes! but hey, it surprised me also u know.. i didnt know the juice stall got such drink. but they made it by my request. hahaha. all thanks to ezum!
yeah! this is what i had! hehe.
after we're done, i told him to take picture of me.. cos we're sitting at the swing.. nice the setting.. on top got like ceiling fan..
smile! yes, i love sushi.. especially the raw.. mmmmm :D
so.. continue.. on the saturday, i had meet-up for project. thanks to mum who ruined my plan.. thought of going escape at night for the halloween but since the planned was canceled. forget it. ezum came my house to do the project.. she stayed for quite long.. few hours.. and went off in the evening.. here i got myself a picture of her.
ezum. (: taken at my house..
.......and yes, finally, about today. the last day with me & zen.. well, it was kinda my sad day also.. he's going to ns tomorrow. he got police for ns.. which is a good thing. i cried you know.. to think that no one is going to be there for me all the time like he did for me. all those things he did for me.. those days with him.. the arguments which makes our r/s like metal.. the guy who have been with me to meet my clients and those time we shared together.. the times we sang music and each and every single thing, it reminds me of him.. well i cnt do shit about it. he have to go.. but i always tell myself, "cmon, he's not migrating. he'll be in freaking sg.." which is true.. but another thought will be, "sg is always sg, but the distance.. the time.. we wont be spending much like we did before.." and well, guess now i know what's his reason for not looking for job after his graduation..
i can't type more.. otherwise this post gonna end up like emoshit post. hahaah. whateva it is, i still have ezum. heheh. she'll be the one with me.. yeah. the last time i was single, she's there for me.. and now, when zen is not around, i know who to find. either ezum or nazli. :D
back to the top paragraph, so today i just spent my entire day with him.. went ecp for cycling after long time of not going to ecp.. think it was march.. he also accompanied me to take my pictures that i took that day for photoshoot.. i really had a great day with him.. till night. thanks for dropping my house even though its just for a moment. im gonna miss you zen. i wont be sending him tmrw in the morning cos he doesnt wanna see me cry and knowing that im alone after he go in, and like he said, if im there, it'll not be easy for him to say Goodbye. so i think i rather not be there.. he also wanted me to attend school, he said "so that when i go in, atleast im relieve cos i know ure safe".. haha, that's nice of you, but i wanted to send you but again, f it. ure right. :D
before we went home just now, went to accompany him for a hair cut. wooohooo, finally u got that m shadows haircut! hahahaha. let's see what's your hair gonna turn to when its grows longer.. and bdw, zen, don't worry about me yeah. you got my words in your mind. i'll be safe here. no worries.
below are pictures of today. only uploaded Some.. cos u know.. blogger cnt take up many pictures upload.. later the previous post won't show up.. so i only took a few..
zen me zen me. 451 days with you :D
by me.
by zen.
ok, below are one of my photoshoot picture.. im inlove with the picture below ^__^ picture meant for zen. :D zeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen, im gonna miss you man!

Credits, DeCharacter.
till here guys. takecare. sucha long update i got here.
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