yeah! scene go shopping \\m//
yeah! im freaking happy today ^__^ woohoo, shopped all day after i met all my clients.
first went to meet zen and then drop at hougang int, met cust then took bus off to amk. after amk done, went to mcd, thought of having lunch there. but nvm, so meanwhile, while im on my way to the toilet, oh.. saw my old mates! sec sch mates. omg! they still looks the same! hangout soon guys! so fast 7 years have passed! had a great chat with them for awhile, after that, thought of buying meal for ourself, but we saw ljs manager. how funny we went, we actually went to trail the ljs manager at mcd. cos we thought of having lunch at mcd, but seems too common for us already. saw ljs manager queuing to buy her lunch, and yeah, we're busy figuring out where is ljs that time. hhahaha. all the way, followed the manager at her back, i felt like u know, as if shes a criminal XD Lol.
so had our lunch @ ljs. we're done at 445, took cab off to tamp. after tamp we took train to bedok and train again to bugis. woah, see the people flow in bugis, my head can have severe headache, seriously. So many people!! after the last client at bugis. woah, what's next, off to shopping @ Bugis ^___^ wooohooo! i love you man! heheh. finally i showered myself with anything that i've ever wanted. yay!
freaking happy now. got myself new wallet bought at walletshop, new jean, new shoes.. shades. :D
alright, im tired now. continue tomorrow.
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