wooohoooo!! finally man! new blogskin up. ok, put it this way, this new blogskin for Singapore's 45th Birthday! ^___^ how? nice not? comment yeah, and to anyone reading this, have fun asking me any questions you want ok, and i will answer :D
lets enjoy the pictures below. keep reading & i'll post more (:
so today marks 1yr of..

yeah, me & you. 1st anniversary. ^__^ wooo!! excited yo!

see this, awesome muffin right? gotta ask mum to do it then i'll post the picture here.

ice cream! i've been starving myself with yam ice cream 2 days straight! u see the cone above right? i dnt like this type, i like the one at mcd cone. short2 and nice. this long cone taste different..

m&m, one of my fav! i can eat this all day. seriously. its nice!

see that? you know, each time i go toilet, i would play with the water before i go shower. nice you know, should try. like as if you in water theme park =___= okay, thats crap!

marshmallow! its like so squishy if you try to compress it. funny. i dnt like marshmallow but i like to compress it. hehe.
alright, till here ok. and i shall update more probably tomorrow. tag me yeah?
takecare! =D
lets enjoy the pictures below. keep reading & i'll post more (:
so today marks 1yr of..
yeah, me & you. 1st anniversary. ^__^ wooo!! excited yo!
see this, awesome muffin right? gotta ask mum to do it then i'll post the picture here.
ice cream! i've been starving myself with yam ice cream 2 days straight! u see the cone above right? i dnt like this type, i like the one at mcd cone. short2 and nice. this long cone taste different..
m&m, one of my fav! i can eat this all day. seriously. its nice!
see that? you know, each time i go toilet, i would play with the water before i go shower. nice you know, should try. like as if you in water theme park =___= okay, thats crap!
marshmallow! its like so squishy if you try to compress it. funny. i dnt like marshmallow but i like to compress it. hehe.
alright, till here ok. and i shall update more probably tomorrow. tag me yeah?
takecare! =D
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