just gotten this news from mum. her sis called and told her the eldest sis had just pass away.. so, imma write this post specially for my beloved aunt.

till June, 09 2010
You're the best auntie i've ever had. You had done so much for me & my bro(farridon) when we're young. You brought us to many places like Orchard. You even bought for me things and accessories. You're the one who thought me to dress myself up when i was small. You're the one who knew about me & my ex(nico). Thank for keeping my secrets from my mom. We shared and joke many things each time we meet. We gave a warm hug and kiss each time you're going off home with your son. Well, thanks for giving me advices and courage to live. Yes, i will stay strong and thank you so much for supporting me in any way. I appreciate all your deeds. Thanks for colouring my childhood life. I've learnt alot of things from you. Even when i need you, thanks for rendering your help but i knew at that time, you couldnt help me because i could still rmbr that u need to fetch your son, and so i understand. Once again, Thank you for all the things that you have done not for only me, for my family too.
May u RIP my dear auntie. Goodbye and hope you'll always be accepted by Allah.
Al-Fatihah For Her..

till June, 09 2010
You're the best auntie i've ever had. You had done so much for me & my bro(farridon) when we're young. You brought us to many places like Orchard. You even bought for me things and accessories. You're the one who thought me to dress myself up when i was small. You're the one who knew about me & my ex(nico). Thank for keeping my secrets from my mom. We shared and joke many things each time we meet. We gave a warm hug and kiss each time you're going off home with your son. Well, thanks for giving me advices and courage to live. Yes, i will stay strong and thank you so much for supporting me in any way. I appreciate all your deeds. Thanks for colouring my childhood life. I've learnt alot of things from you. Even when i need you, thanks for rendering your help but i knew at that time, you couldnt help me because i could still rmbr that u need to fetch your son, and so i understand. Once again, Thank you for all the things that you have done not for only me, for my family too.
May u RIP my dear auntie. Goodbye and hope you'll always be accepted by Allah.
Al-Fatihah For Her..
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