lets recall frm th days, two days ago. hahaha. tired and no time update. whats more, today working. pfft.
March 24, Wed.
not working. went to subordinate court with zen to file report. thanks fr accompanying me. hees. by th time we reach there, its 430. after done, went to have dessert at central. thought of slacking after tht but nvm. took random bus. met bro in th evening. had dinner with him also, together with zen. walked around th bedok area and bumped into wan. hahahah. schoolmate -.- alright, dnt knw how many rounds we had. around 9, went off.March 25, Thurs.
wooo, th day i got myself very busy. alright, in th morning, im supposed to be in school, had some ibm thingy. ezum was late. me too! \\// =D im way too late. supposedly to be in school by 830. at most, 9. but i reached at 1030. hahaha. in th end, th guests came at 1115 i guess. cnt rmbr. cos th entire thing ends at 1130/12. went to have breakfast aft tht. then roamed around this fashion while waiting fr zen.
aft zen reached, took bus and went to orchard. Art-Friend. cute store name XD it was in th ngee an city building. and yet we find it hard to find bcos somehow, th way ezum describe cnt be define. hahahah. but we did found th place. bought things and, worst come to worse, theres no Popular to be found in th town area. i finally realised tht. bcos, after we went to orchard, we took bus to ps, brought ezum to Spotlight. and right aft tht, we was abt to go Popular. round th entire ps and knowing theres no Popular. how pathatic tht can be. town no Popular. hahha. even Parkmall. sigh. end up, went to Tiong Bahru Plaza. finally, Popular. hahs. bought some remaining items then ezum went off.
had dinner with zen. took bus to pasir ris int and change bus, back home. tiring but fun. hoping to get this proj complete asap. maybe bfore school reopen.
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