how pathetic it can be hrs back. i got this random call again =___= thought it was daffi since it was frm private number but not. idk who th hella, idiot dude went to pass my number. been getting random call these days. _|_ but anyway, heres th convo, i can only share some, bcos some idk howta share it here. Some were written in malay. I wont translate it.
*Ringtone*... On screen, *Withheld* Answered.
Guy: Hello, tisha ade?
Me: yea what thing? *thinking it was daffi*
Guy: i nk mentat ngn u leh?
Me: what?! why? how come? *still thinking, cnt be this daffi*
Guy: bleh tk? i nk mentat ngn u nari leh?
Me: huh?
Guy: nk main ngn u leh tk, i tk buang dlm, i buang luar..
Me: who are you? *auto think, not daffi..*
Guy: ni tisha kn? i cnt tell u who i am unless u promise me u want to play with me..
Me: wtf. who are you, ans me first. at first u asked me am i tisha and u got th ans now u asking me to answer you. wth.
Guy: u tinggal aner, i dtg ruma u nari.. u tinggal kovan kn..
Me: idiot, u just said u knw where i stay now asking me back. wtf.
Guy: u dnt talk so much. u virgin right?
Me: why? losing your points? duh -.- dnt ask me stup qns.
Guy: bleh eh nari meet? i dtg blk u. what time ur parents balik?
Me: u #$%@ing !@&hole. dnt jollywell call me and talk crap with me. i dnt entertatain ppl like you. and if u wanna make sex go and find other ppl not me. yet, u didnt let me know who u are and like wtf u asking fr sex.
Guy: relax2..
Me: u pathetic @!#hole. if u think this funny, i'll make it funnier. like i said, dnt jollywell call me and talk crap with me. i dnt entertatain ppl like you. and if u wanna make sex go and find other ppl not me. you sucha dumb!@$ @!#$ing loser!
*Hung up*
theres more but i cnt possibly be sharing all. and subsequently, tht idiot kept calling me fr 12x. i didnt answer. haha. serve u right. th last resort, he called again and zen answered th call. surprised to knw he didnt call again. afraid yeah? XD well, eventhough idk who u are, idfc. its true ure a loser. tryna be a tyrant otp. dream on..
thanks to iyaan and aaron fr th suggestions. i thought if i make a police report, they cnt do shit about it. but anyway, ive already made a report abt it. and theyve sent this issue to th Court.
to whoeva who gt my number, for Fuck sake, can yall Please stop passing it around without my acknowledge? like wtf. one more thing, Stop recommending me to desperate morons. i dnt need those peoples. go and recommend other girls. Not me.
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