working days had been much difficult. well, that part like envy of me cant really be ditch in ppl around me. i dont understand why they made my life way harder.
lets read about my 24th and so on.. sorry to keep yall waiting fr my update. i've been so much hectic since im working and time otc had decreased so much. otherwise, i'll be otc like 24/7.
Feb, 24th.
didnt attend school. sicko and not feeling well. but then, i came fr work. wth. yeah. i started work supposedly at 3pm, together with zen. but then, we were late. i've nothing much to share about work.. other than making pastas, cutting pizzas, fry and eat eat eat. ever since im working at pizzahut, i've been starving myself with tons pizzas & pastas. i think, sooner or like less than a month, th difference should be seen. hahaha. imagine me, so fat. Lol. confirm ppl went like, "omg, shes gone way fatter than i imagine." hahhaha. ok cut it out, im crapping.
usually, i always end work until closing. and that goes th same fr zen. uh huh. it ended like 1030. went home with bro and zen. slacked awhile, and off home. once home, im tired, and cnt afford to update. thts why if yall can see, i actually update at night, which is like, end of th day.
Feb, 25th.
not working on thursday. but i did came to school. thursday, my timetable always suck big time. cos it always ends so late, almost 5 i think. after school, went to meet zen. and then went to ps to browse some of my proj stuffs. going march and still my proj yet to be done. time these days, clocks so fast. not even about two hours im there, its like going 8 already.. idk what time i went off from ps, but i rmbr i was home at 930. i think i went off like 830..
Feb, 26th.
friday. th best day. hahaha. didnt attend class again. pfft. tisha~tisha. came fr work at 4. again, same routine =____= one thing, friday, full house. busy since 7pm onwards. end work also late, around 11pm. because i went to help them washing th plates and stuffs cos th cleaner didnt come fr work, not feeling well. thanks to those fr helping me though. after work, bumped into my friend, fazilah. she worked at guardian. =D its been so years since i last met you. hehe. zen and me went to meet farridon and daffi. \\// daffi, u went close to plum already. ahha. eat eat eat only! XD done meeting them, farridon accompanied daffi to bus stop, zen and me went off first. reached home, tired and thats when th "no time update" comes.. hahha
Feb, 27th.
saturday, kill time with bf. went to bukit merah, orchard, city hall. accompany him shopping. wooo! ^___^ at first, randomly took bus to bukit merah. then took bus again and dropped paragon. roaming around in toys r us. funny. cos all i see again was toys toys and more toys! haha. just kinda reminds me of childhood days.. after paragon, went to walk awhile at orchard and bumped into eshia & tyz. after orchard, we went to city hall. bought some stuffs and went to have dinner. after dinner, slacked at esplanade. and 7+, went to fort canning. was there until 10pm.. reached home and just, tidy myself and sleep. too tired to update.
Feb, 28th.
finally th last day of feb. and hello to march tomorrow! hehe. sunday, went to grandmother house. dad and two of my little younger brothers went off first. mum didnt follow along, wasnt feeling good.
just kinda surprising, because, i getta meet zen again! wooo. he went to pick me up under my blk. went to grandmother house together with farridon. but zen was just sending me there only. he had to discuss about some stuffs with farridon, and thats why he came down to meet us.
slacked at grandmother house until 10pm+. and then, off home with dad and all siblings.
pictures down below was taken on saturday..

i simply love this picture! \\// :D
lets read about my 24th and so on.. sorry to keep yall waiting fr my update. i've been so much hectic since im working and time otc had decreased so much. otherwise, i'll be otc like 24/7.
Feb, 24th.
didnt attend school. sicko and not feeling well. but then, i came fr work. wth. yeah. i started work supposedly at 3pm, together with zen. but then, we were late. i've nothing much to share about work.. other than making pastas, cutting pizzas, fry and eat eat eat. ever since im working at pizzahut, i've been starving myself with tons pizzas & pastas. i think, sooner or like less than a month, th difference should be seen. hahaha. imagine me, so fat. Lol. confirm ppl went like, "omg, shes gone way fatter than i imagine." hahhaha. ok cut it out, im crapping.
usually, i always end work until closing. and that goes th same fr zen. uh huh. it ended like 1030. went home with bro and zen. slacked awhile, and off home. once home, im tired, and cnt afford to update. thts why if yall can see, i actually update at night, which is like, end of th day.
Feb, 25th.
not working on thursday. but i did came to school. thursday, my timetable always suck big time. cos it always ends so late, almost 5 i think. after school, went to meet zen. and then went to ps to browse some of my proj stuffs. going march and still my proj yet to be done. time these days, clocks so fast. not even about two hours im there, its like going 8 already.. idk what time i went off from ps, but i rmbr i was home at 930. i think i went off like 830..
Feb, 26th.
friday. th best day. hahaha. didnt attend class again. pfft. tisha~tisha. came fr work at 4. again, same routine =____= one thing, friday, full house. busy since 7pm onwards. end work also late, around 11pm. because i went to help them washing th plates and stuffs cos th cleaner didnt come fr work, not feeling well. thanks to those fr helping me though. after work, bumped into my friend, fazilah. she worked at guardian. =D its been so years since i last met you. hehe. zen and me went to meet farridon and daffi. \\// daffi, u went close to plum already. ahha. eat eat eat only! XD done meeting them, farridon accompanied daffi to bus stop, zen and me went off first. reached home, tired and thats when th "no time update" comes.. hahha
Feb, 27th.
saturday, kill time with bf. went to bukit merah, orchard, city hall. accompany him shopping. wooo! ^___^ at first, randomly took bus to bukit merah. then took bus again and dropped paragon. roaming around in toys r us. funny. cos all i see again was toys toys and more toys! haha. just kinda reminds me of childhood days.. after paragon, went to walk awhile at orchard and bumped into eshia & tyz. after orchard, we went to city hall. bought some stuffs and went to have dinner. after dinner, slacked at esplanade. and 7+, went to fort canning. was there until 10pm.. reached home and just, tidy myself and sleep. too tired to update.
Feb, 28th.
finally th last day of feb. and hello to march tomorrow! hehe. sunday, went to grandmother house. dad and two of my little younger brothers went off first. mum didnt follow along, wasnt feeling good.
just kinda surprising, because, i getta meet zen again! wooo. he went to pick me up under my blk. went to grandmother house together with farridon. but zen was just sending me there only. he had to discuss about some stuffs with farridon, and thats why he came down to meet us.
slacked at grandmother house until 10pm+. and then, off home with dad and all siblings.
pictures down below was taken on saturday..
i simply love this picture! \\// :D
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