Nov 12,
th day tht we slacked at dance studio & it happened to be Michael Birthday.
Happy Birthday Michael! :D

woo, kunnies ft classmates & birthday boy! :D

abg body th hotteh!

ezum, otp peace? \\// haha.

back view.


all classmates~

yeah, this one also.

thts shah, shahadun, me, ezum & shahirah.

at th field. taken by shah.

taken by ezum. wooo.

yeah, i took this. hehe.

guess which is mine.

its just th same.
and here goes th dance studio part..

smile everyone!

taken by irfan.

wooo, censored!

alamak chicken lying! XD

rizal & haqim.

i guess hes sharing grandmother stories..haha

ezum face, fierce. woots!

123 smile! irfan funny. haha

yeah ezum yeah!

with irfan~


*cough* just look at th background picture. haha.

ezum, irfan & me!

ezum & irfan.

somersault starting.

commander! haha

serioushit, this is abang body! :D

ezum, laughing.

hahaha. socking smeelllls~

starting of ballet!

Chicken Little! :D


and us. hehe. farridon's missing.
Nov 11,
had performance @ school auditorium. came school at 9am. then went fr practice all th way. rehearsal many times bfore th actually performance. it was sooo lucky i didnt cock up during th actual time.
zen & brother came down to my school to catch me perform. woooh! so after performance, we went to slack fr a moment. then off to simei ite fr th nxt investiture.
we were late. bcos fr th sake of killing time, we went to airport, slacked. haha. took many photos. roamed around th airport terminal. by th time around th evening, then we head down to simei ite. omg omg, th auditorium was like, wth, like some sort of movie theater. haha. sooo damn big. saw zen's friends. they were there earlier.
after th investiture, went to eat dinner together with them in school. since they have refreshment. while eating with them, haha, one funny thing. my brother did many kinds of hypnotize. hahs. i almost chimeh. ahhaahha. oh yes, after we ate, we all went to tech blk, lvl 5. to zen's locker. i went to keep my stuffs mins back. so, we were actually talking and chatting. and yea, this might sounds freaky. th lights suddenly went off when i said about smtg.
hmm, what i knew, when i was about to go down, th escalator suddenly went upwards automatically. i was kinda shock. was wondering, how come th escalator was moving without someone exist at th moment. a while later, th escalator went to give a hard jerk/impact of stopping th escalator. tht part i was like "omg zen, why2." haha.
after tht part, and so, we all went home by cab. tired.~
pictures with taazmin :) bfore performance starts..

woo, my adek ; zen & me :D, bfore performance.

thts me in th middle. hehe.
pictures with zen~ , after performance.

my adek. ahah

credits to farridon for taking.

at airport.

taken by farridon.

by zen.


by zen. whos betta aye? XD

i took this! woooh!



haha, abang body feat abang fierce. Lol.


this one random. i took it myself. haha.

i took this for them :D

by me! wooo.

okay, tryna mimic my dance steps. hah.

this one superficial. i looike this!

professional topshot! farridon. haha.


i took this.


hahaha. random but nice.

woooa cheaay, pose alot ehs.

lucky you know how to smile.

taken by zen.

ahuh. he took this also.

this one.

and i took this.

and this was my performance. taken by zen. im on the very left side.
mind th video bcos zen was seated right at th very top, center.
Nov 10,
all this pictures was taken on tuesday, Nov 10. was having break. so slacked at red table. still, had my last dance practice at 4pm+. tired. ~

th day tht we slacked at dance studio & it happened to be Michael Birthday.
Happy Birthday Michael! :D

woo, kunnies ft classmates & birthday boy! :D

abg body th hotteh!

ezum, otp peace? \\// haha.

back view.


all classmates~

yeah, this one also.

thts shah, shahadun, me, ezum & shahirah.

at th field. taken by shah.

taken by ezum. wooo.

yeah, i took this. hehe.
guess which is mine.
its just th same.
and here goes th dance studio part..

smile everyone!

taken by irfan.

wooo, censored!

alamak chicken lying! XD

rizal & haqim.

i guess hes sharing grandmother stories..haha

ezum face, fierce. woots!

123 smile! irfan funny. haha

yeah ezum yeah!

with irfan~


*cough* just look at th background picture. haha.

ezum, irfan & me!

ezum & irfan.

somersault starting.

commander! haha

serioushit, this is abang body! :D

ezum, laughing.

hahaha. socking smeelllls~

starting of ballet!

Chicken Little! :D


and us. hehe. farridon's missing.
Nov 11,
had performance @ school auditorium. came school at 9am. then went fr practice all th way. rehearsal many times bfore th actually performance. it was sooo lucky i didnt cock up during th actual time.
zen & brother came down to my school to catch me perform. woooh! so after performance, we went to slack fr a moment. then off to simei ite fr th nxt investiture.
we were late. bcos fr th sake of killing time, we went to airport, slacked. haha. took many photos. roamed around th airport terminal. by th time around th evening, then we head down to simei ite. omg omg, th auditorium was like, wth, like some sort of movie theater. haha. sooo damn big. saw zen's friends. they were there earlier.
after th investiture, went to eat dinner together with them in school. since they have refreshment. while eating with them, haha, one funny thing. my brother did many kinds of hypnotize. hahs. i almost chimeh. ahhaahha. oh yes, after we ate, we all went to tech blk, lvl 5. to zen's locker. i went to keep my stuffs mins back. so, we were actually talking and chatting. and yea, this might sounds freaky. th lights suddenly went off when i said about smtg.
hmm, what i knew, when i was about to go down, th escalator suddenly went upwards automatically. i was kinda shock. was wondering, how come th escalator was moving without someone exist at th moment. a while later, th escalator went to give a hard jerk/impact of stopping th escalator. tht part i was like "omg zen, why2." haha.
after tht part, and so, we all went home by cab. tired.~
pictures with taazmin :) bfore performance starts..

woo, my adek ; zen & me :D, bfore performance.

thts me in th middle. hehe.
pictures with zen~ , after performance.
my adek. ahah
credits to farridon for taking.
at airport.
taken by farridon.
by zen.
by zen. whos betta aye? XD
i took this! woooh!
haha, abang body feat abang fierce. Lol.
this one random. i took it myself. haha.
i took this for them :D
by me! wooo.
okay, tryna mimic my dance steps. hah.
this one superficial. i looike this!
professional topshot! farridon. haha.
i took this.
hahaha. random but nice.
woooa cheaay, pose alot ehs.
lucky you know how to smile.
taken by zen.
ahuh. he took this also.
this one.
and i took this.
and this was my performance. taken by zen. im on the very left side.
mind th video bcos zen was seated right at th very top, center.
Nov 10,
all this pictures was taken on tuesday, Nov 10. was having break. so slacked at red table. still, had my last dance practice at 4pm+. tired. ~
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