ystrday so freakay up. was having something going on.. and yeah, cudnt carefree. really was sooo sick. i puke ; and so, throat pain ; plus stomach cramp, gastric & colds. was about to get ready off to sch. but then it went dragging th time and end up, i was unable to attend sch. cos i was badly and terrible sick. lying on my bed and really, tht pain really make me felt like dying. i cudnt take it. it was really2 damn sooo killing me. tht pain, killing me. and bcos of tht, i couldnt attend sch, projs all have to be postponed to nxt week. sorry guys. all i cud afford to do is to just sleep. zzzz.~ yeah. even sleeping, im not really at peace. bcos, tht pain i felt. yeah. it makes me mad. yeah, so mad. fr no reason. maybe bcos of th pain, and th proj tht is not yet completed. also, school.
how i wished i can control time. stop tht time. and let th world just revolve around me. just imagine if th time stops. wudnt tht be fun. its like just between u and th ppl u love. no ticking tock time. so u dnt haveta think wether its late or early or even moving..
i've nothing to write about. oh yea, yes i've cut my hair. tryna wait fr it to go longer. and see my original hair back again. wooh! =D and to visitors, and readers, thanks fr reading and visiting my blog. thres nothing interesting i presume in my blog other than my post. feel free to tag aye. hmm, i gotta go now. shower and stuffs and get ready to school. & meet zen later. he'll be sending me to school and off to work. =D
im hungry now. i wanna eat. bye all!~
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