
Lifestyle Without Limits

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how funny was monday. i was late to school. haha. thts one thing like always, again. break, just slacking. took photos. all for fun. but anyway, after school, went to myra's hse, just to accompany her send her lappy fr servicing. omg, she was damn so scared tht th Sony gonna took away her lappy and nver return it back. haha. so, went her hse aft school. then, had afternoon meal together with her. ate rice with prawn chilli and dish. th taste of th food, soo manifique! just th same as my mum cooking. haha. slacked awhile, and so, she request me to help her perm her hair using my curling iron. sad, i went to lend her days back, but then, she has no idea howta use it. haha. so ahuh, end up, i've to do it for her. haha. foc. yeah.

coming next, to make it fair, she went to doll me up using her fashion trend. thank you for dolling me up. aft all done, went to take train to dhoby. oh yeh, this might sound funny. frm punggol nel, to dhoby, on th way, we actually camwhore like theres no tmrw. until we almost miss dhoby. haha. frm dhoby so change to red line to orchard, reach aedi, off to Wisma. after sent her lappy, went to roam around th shopping centre. and we're stucked at Sony. bcos, we got hooked onto this digi cam, Sony CyberShot DSC-w190. its kinda pretty cool gadget. haha. and, hope to geddit sooo soon. hehe. so we can twin gadget again. lappy same. so yeah, this time, gon be cam. haha.

after tht, went to Sim Lim. while waiting for Zen, browse2 again with myra again. haha. hmm, right at th same time Zen came, aft then, we bought th same stylus. i swear, its like this is my 7th or 8th stylus. th others all gone to nowhere. haha.

to end th day, we went separate way back home.
thanks for sending me home zen. hee. :D

taken by irfan.

stuppidos! haha. superb!~ XD

i like this. hehe. thanks to irfan.

yeah, this is him :D

he took this.


this one i took.


ahuh, he said this is nice! :D hehe.

smile boy smile!~

nice~ thanks to irfan.

hes funny.

tht milkbar is mine, hui yi gave. ezum took this :D

ahuh, thres hidden msg. hehe.

myra in th lift. haha. credits to me. hee.

ahuh. tisha in lrt, credits to myra.

guess this gotta be my 45 degree angel view shot. haha.

smile myra smile~ waiting for th nenek kropok to come sit bside her. haha

dream on, cos u'll never know it'll come true. :D

after all, its wonderful ~ :D

shaky vs blurry.

bestie forever! :D

she said, this is hw shes gonna fall asleep. haha.

this one, over happy i guess. haha.

i cant think any futher. haha.

random stup face.

open myra open. stretch your eyes big big. haha XD

i think, my current reality is kinda surreal. haha :D

lick me? come? oh soo random~

i smile for sad ppl.


no idea what caption to put.. haha.

hmm, this is what ppl call crap.

fuck horny. and why my face so sex. haha

this is nice..

i dnt wanna look at th cam. yeah.

and so do myra.

but then, i think if i look, this is what happened.

guess she loves my scent of my hair. hehe.

she loves me, yeah i know. :D

random shot.

i was looking up cos i think dream can come true.

see, myra also, starts to touch up. hhaa.

and she sleeps after that? no. idts. this one fake sleep. haha.

ahuh, tease her back. hha.

this shot, i really got no idea what to say. haha.

myra face like chinese. XD

okay, thanks to myra for this shot.

and this.

and this one, thanks to me. in crowded train.

yeah, i was looking at reflection. hha.


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